Social Studies
Big Ideas: Students learn about themselves, their roles and their responsibilities as members of the classroom and school community, and identify and demonstrate responsible environmental behaviours. Children participate in groups, gather information from different sources, and present knowledge in varied and meaningful ways. Highlights include school responsibilities, family, community helpers, cultural celebrations, environmental care and community service.
Grade 1
Big Ideas: Using social responsibility, guided enquiry and active empathy as touchstones, students develop an interest and understanding of history, geography and world issues. Highlights include roles, rights and responsibilities; an introduction to mapping skills; and symbols of Canada.
Grade 2
Big Ideas: In understanding their rights and roles as responsible citizens, students become thoughtful, action-oriented citizens who consider different perspectives and cultures and acquire information through various sources. Highlights include heroes; roles, rights and responsibilities; family and school communities; Canada; mapping; urban and rural communities; environment; producers and consumers; and goods and services.
Grade 3
Through hands-on, interactive activities, students reflect on their own cultures and country relative to others. Building on their mapping skills, students explore continents and oceans, Canadian provinces and territories, and First Nations, Metis and Inuit cultures. In travelling back in time to pioneer days, students become experts on their own province of British Columbia.